February 27, 2017 Dear DPS Community, There have been several cases of the Mumps virus reported in Colorado within the last few weeks. We are sharing the attached Mumps alert so that you have information on the signs and symptoms of this virus and ways to stop it from spreading. Mumps is spread by coughing and sneezing or direct contact with the saliva of an infected person, such as by sharing cups or eating utensils. Mumps exposure may occur in any public place such as churches, schools, grocery stores and recreation centers. It is important that only students who are symptom-free of illness attend school. The best way to prevent students from catching the Mumps is to have them immunized with the MMR vaccine. There are many local agencies that provide free or low cost immunization clinics. For more information regarding these clinics or your student's immunization record(s), please contact the school nurse. DPS has not been notified of any outbreaks within our schools, so we are hopeful that the impact to our community will be minimal. We maintain close communication with the state and local public health agencies. We will provide you with additional information as it becomes available. Thank you, Student Equity and Opportunity |