
Tuesday, January 31, 2017

February Parent Newsletter: A Message from the Principal

Dear parents and family,
We are so excited to be working with your student during the second half of the 2016-2017 school year and appreciate all the support our families continue to give the students of Newlon. Thank you so much.  As you are aware it is absolutely critical that we work in tandem with our families to support the success of our students here. This time of year is traditionally extremely busy. We call it "testing season." There are several upcoming high stakes assessments on the horizon and we want to assure that our students are prepared to do their best. It is our intention that Newlon students perform to the best of their ability and there are several ways parents can support at home. Please continue to ensure that there is ample space and time for your student to complete homework and read every night.
We know that with your support, our students can be extremely successful and we want that for them just as much as you do.
Again, thank you for your assistance in assuring success for all.
Mrs. Varney
Newlon Principal