
Tuesday, April 19, 2016

April Parent Newsletter

1st Grade Music Program
"Marvelous Me"
The 1st grade students and the 1st/2nd grade students in Ms. Rhine's room will be performing "Marvelous Me", on Thursday, April 28th at 6:00pm in the Newlon Elementary auditorium.
Please come and celebrate your child's musical achievements. They are so very proud of their efforts, and we know they would love to show their parents and friends the results of their hard work.
Earth Day
Earth day is around the corner and Newlon would like to invite all of its students and their families to involve themselves on this day and many other days. Here is a list of things you can do to help our planet stay green and beautiful:
1. Take a hike
2. Volunteer to help at a community garden
3. Clean out your closet and donate to charity
4. Plant a tree/ plant
5. Go vegan or vegetarian for the day

2nd Trimester Awards Assembly
The second trimester awards assembly is scheduled for April 12th. Teachers will notify families if their student is scheduled to receive an award. We hope you can join us.
Award Assembly Schedule:
➢ 12:40-1:10 2nd, 3rd
➢ 1:20-1:50 ECE, 1st, 5th & Ms. Rhine
➢ 2:00-2:30 Kinder & 4th Grade

April Testing
The 3rd, 4th and 5th graders will be testing this month for CMAS and ANet. We would like to remind parents to consider this before scheduling any appointments for your student during this time. It is essential that all students are at school to be tested. Also, please make sure they are getting plenty of rest prior to the testing window. Students are always encouraged to eat a healthy breakfast at the beginning of each day.
Remember to remind your students that they have all the potential and to do their best.

Parent Teacher Home Visits
With the Parent Teacher Home Visit (PTHV) Program, the goal is to start by building a strong and positive relationship between the family and the school.
The visits begin with the teacher asking about the family's hopes and dreams for their child. By involving the parents and families, we create a better chance of success for students. Visits don't necessarily have to take place at your home; they can also be in public areas like parks, libraries, cafes, etc. If you would like to schedule a home visit with your child's teacher, please contact the main office phone line at (720) 424-5150 or speak directly to your teacher.
"Family is the first school for young children, and parents are powerful models."
-Alice Sterling Honig

Upcoming Events
April 11th - Parent/Teacher conferences and Open House- NO SCHOOL
April 12th - 2nd Trimester Awards Assembly
April 12th - Superintendent Parent Forum & ELA DAC (PPA event center)
April 20th – PTO Meeting
April 28th – 1st and Ms. Rhine's Music Program
• 12:40 – 1:25pm (auditorium)
• 6:00 – 7:00 pm (auditorium)
April 29th – DPS Shakespeare Festival at the Denver Performing Arts Complex.